Our professional adventure started in 2005 from an idea shared by three craftsmen, who, almost as a challenge and to complete their businesses’ production cycles, decided to introduce in the local area the first laser cutting machine with 6000x2000mm operating range.
The original idea was to offer a finished product featuring with all possible processing to fully meet customers’ requirements, while easing and speeding up the management of the various stages between suppliers.
And this is our philosophy to this day. In time, our mission has evolved and we continue our development by adding new technology and machinery that expand the range of processes and services and quicken delivery times without detriment to quality and professionalism.


We started from a 1,200sqm facility with a Trumpf 4000W 6000×2000 Co2 laser cut system operated by a single worker; today we boast 7,000sqm covered surface where 40 people every day give their best to satisfy our customers’ needs.
Every month we process over 200 tons of sheet metal that we transform from a rectangular shape to a finished piece that can be used for the purpose for which it was thought of and designed, which meets the requirements of the most demanding customers.